Mailing Address Delivery Address:
Adams County Register of Deeds
P.O. Box 203 500 North Denver
Hastings NE 68902-0203 Hastings NE 68901
Register of Deeds - Schedule of Recording Fees
FILING FEES (Effective 1-1-2013)(Neb.Rev.Stat.23-1503.01)
- 1st Page of Document: $10.00
- 2nd Page & All Subsequent Pages: $6.00 each
- No added fee for legal descriptions
- The above fees pertain to ALL documents filed within the Register of Deeds Office
EXCEPTION: Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) Filings
UCC Financing Statements and all variations thereof
These fees are $14.00 flat fee (no change for number of pages)
EXCEPTIONS listed below are "NO FEE" documents
Federal Tax Lien Termination
State Tax Lien Termination
Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) Termination
- 1st Page of Plat: $10.00
- 2nd Page and All Subsequent Pages: $6.00 each
- 18"x 24" - $34
- 24"x 36" - $52
- $.50 cents per Page Up to & Including 8 ½" x 14")
- $.70 cents per Page (11"x17")
- $1.50 per Page
- $1.00 per Page
All other document space-and-filing requirements remain the same (Neb.Rev.Stat.23-1503.01)
Documentary Stamp Tax (Effective 7-1-2005)(Neb.Rev.Stat.76-901)
Documentary Stamp Tax on deeds: $2.25 per thousand dollars of actual purchase
price on transactions which are not exempt under state statute.
Real Estate Transfer Statements (Form 521) is available at
as a fillable form. See Computation Table at:
Neb.Rev.Stat.23-1503.01 – Provide New Requirements for Instruments recorded in the Office of
Register of Deeds Effective August 27, 2011
Recording space requirements:
3" x 8 ½ " on top of page 1
Shall contain a Blank Space at the top of the First Page which is at least 3 inches
"No attachment or affirmation shall be used in any way to cover any information or printed material on the instrument"
Example: Nothing may be taped or attached to an instrument
Every Instrument presented for recording shall have on the first page Below the 3 inch margin a Return Address and the Title of the Document
Margin Requirements: 1" on both vertical sides, and 1" on the bottom. This applies throughout the document.
Instrument Requirements:
At least 8 ½" x 11", and no larger than 8 ½" x 14"
Shall be printed, typewritten or computer generated in Black Ink
White Paper, of not less than 20lb weight
Each Signature on an instrument shall be in Black or Dark Blue Ink
Names of each party shall be typed, printed, or stamped beneath the original signature.
Stamps shall not cover or interfere with an;y part of the instrument.
Exceptions to the rule:
Instruments signed before the effective date of this bill (August 27, 2011)
Instruments executed outside of the United States
Certified copies from governmental agencies (Death Certificates)
Instruments signed by an incapacitated or deceased person at the time of recording.
Instruments formatted to meet court requirements
State and Federal Tax Liens
UCC Instruments
Plats, Surveys, etc